Rally Sweden 2016

Me and my friends went to see the WRC Rally Sweden last weekend. Same procedure as last year, and the year before, and the year before..........
The snow and winter condition this year was prior to start not the best but a couple of minus degrees together with some snow finally made it.
Check out my pics below and make sure you mark next years event in your calendar. You should be there to see and feel the speed, action and party.
This is what I call a studded tire. The grip is increadable, even on snow and ice. Tyres are fitted with about 380 tungsten-tipped steel studs to bite into the frozen roads. Each stud is 20mm long and weighs 4g. However, just 7mm is exposed, with the rest inserted into the rubber to provide a strong anchor.
All Swedes would like to see this guy as a winner.
This is a VW Snowareg. Pretty amazing!
A flying  Frenchman.
Kiwis cannot fly very well but this one can. The Kiwi driver Heyden Paddon was flying and finished in the second place. Good as Gold as they say in NZ.
A 44 years old flying Norwegian. Henning Solberg is the name.
 And winner this year is the World Champion Sebastian Ogier from France. Congratulations!
BBQ in the middle of nowhere is a must. Hot dogs, a couple of beers and a whisky. What more do one need ?
As a spectator it is very important that you follow instructions from the Marshalls and watch the rally from a safe place. Förbjudet område = Prohibited area.
The End

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